Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm BAAACK in the saddle again!

       Tell me you didn't just read that title in an Aerosmith voice...Freakin' liar! It's been a few days since my last post, but with good reason. The last thing a I want to be party to is a blog that posts a bunch of stuff just for the simple sake of posting stuff. I have greater aspirations than being one of those "Hey gang! Had a delightful Reuben sandwich today! Please like this on Facebook and leave me lots of comments to make me famous so I can forget all about you!" blogs. #1 My day to day life is probably just as boring as yours, so why would you, a loyal reader want to suffer through that anguish twice? #2 Reubens taste like garbage water.. You have to trust me when I say that if you see a break in the action for a couple of days here on Trox Talk it is for YOU! That's right, just you. Sometimes I need to recharge the batteries a little to keep the content fresh for you. Other times I'm just really busy with other not-so-entertaining aspects of my life and I don't want to water this good thing down with tripe (you're welcome). Rest easy knowing that if you start to miss me, then I'm probably in the lab getting my ducks in a row, so that this can continue to be one of the best damn parts of your whole damn day..I just swore twice in one sentence, so you know I'm not playin', G's.
        Aww rats, that entire first paragraph was the most hypocritical thing ever..It was a boring unnecessary segment about how I can't stand boring and unnecessary segments...balls. Let's get into some Trox Talk. In case any of you Pittsburghers missed it, I said that if the Green Bay Packers lost the Super Bowl, I would issue a formal letter of apology to your city, your team, and it's fan. Kiss my ass. Not gonna happen. I'm also not here to gloat either, even though I did say that the Packers were going to win the Super Bowl waaaay back around week 1 of this NFL season. Of course, I said it would be against the Colts...but that doesn't make me look smarter than the rest of you, so strike it from your memory. I will say that this years Super Bowl was a helluva game and the better team won.
       If you're one of those readers that sends emails saying, "you talk too much about sports" (I hate you, and welcome back) then this next little section can be for you. I went back  and found you what I considered to be the most noteworthy Super Bowl commercials from this year. Odds are that's the only reason some of you watched the game, since the ads are usually a pretty big deal. I'll give you my take on them (good and bad) just in case you are old and fell asleep, or you got too "to'up from the flo'up" and don't remember much about Sunday. Also, I know that most Steeler fans were kneeling over a toilet by about half time. Therefore, in the interest of filling you in on what you may have missed, I give you the Trox Talk Super Bowl Ad Awards...

 Best Moment..

       This is more or less an award for the 1 second clip from an SB ad that impacted me the most. It's no secret to anyone that I absolutely refuse to drink Bud Light. I mean if it's free, or I'm at a sponsored even, I'll do as the Romans do, but I won't enjoy it. That said, Buweiser in general never fails to come up with creative advertising, especially during the Super Bowl, but they have been a little weak for the past couple of years and I felt like this was the moment when they returned to the front of the line. This one actually made me crack up when the dog who was working the grill gnarrs at his food being criticized.

       Will this whore never go away? Trox Talk has been up for about a month, and I have made $0.00 for my efforts to provide quality content, emotional connection, or detailed analysis of any subject. Yet, I still feel, I  have accomplished more professionally since January 4th than Kim Kardashian and her entire gaggle of brain dead sisters. Stop and think about it.. What has she ever done?! Hump Reggie Bush? I'm going to say this, and I'll probably take some heat for it..If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians and it's not because someone is forcing you to, I don't want you to read Trox Talk. It's just not for you. I don't mean to alienate anyone, or make anyone feel unwelcome, but you have got to be shitting me if you think that show is remotely entertaining. This ad may have even furthered my disdain for Double-K. Couldn't they find someone hot? And of course, she'd be in a sweat covered ad with slutty innuendo about nailing her personal trainer. Did she run out of real athletes? The bottom line is, the shoes are stupid and Double-K's legs are harder to get closed than the Jon Benet Ramsey case.


      OK. Before you say anything, this ad was actually pretty good. The opening message was powerful, it was well written, and I think it served as a nice little counter-punch for the city of Detroit, but I was more than a little confused by it. There were so many questions racing through my head! Why is there a figure skater? What's with the Wizard of Oz reference to the emerald city? Is this 8 Mile II? Please, God, be 8 Mile II! Didn't a claymation Eminem literally just tell us not 20 minutes ago in an ice tea commercial, that he in fact, does NOT do commercials?! Eventually the dizziness subsided and I just took it for what it was worth, but it was a mind-job at first glance.

Pure Nostalgia
     If you didn't think this ad was cool, then you are wrong. the golden age of television returned for :58 seconds to revisit our hearts once more. Did you recognize every show? Fonzi in the Rodgers jersey hitting the TV struck a chord. Remember when that was the only way you got reception?! (Stupid bunny ears..) The Golden Girls, Brady Bunch, and Cheers were all sights for sore eyes. Did the Carolina Panthers even exist when ALF was still on the air? He did love to eat cats... When was the last time you heard Steven Q. Urkel get nice with a "Did I do thaaat?" I also, loved how the back of Peter Griffin's New England Patriots jersey said "Hi Tom" which was a reference to an episode where Peter played for the Pats with Brady, but then was traded to the London Silly Nannies.
     There were a few other ads of note. Audi continued to pile on Mercedes while Mercedes continued to ignore them. They went out and got Sean Puff Diddy Daddy Combs to pimp their whips for them while hammering away at the history of the Benz because they still don't see Audi as competition. Benz basically said, "Your brand of luxury is for wannabe hot shots and stockbrokers. Puffy drives our 'ish'! Stand down Audi. You'd think they would have learned a lesson from this viral photo from a couple of years back...
      The House M.D. ad should have ended with Mean Joe Green breaking his legs and confining him to a wheelchair.  I got pumped for the Transformers 3 trailer because I am still a nerd at heart. This is the best part about the Ozzy/ Bieber Best Buy ad...

        While, I did enjoy the Doritos ad where the dog pounced on his master through the sliding glass door, I didn't want 2 cute dog videos in one edition of Trox Talk because I'll lose street cred. It was cool to see Roseanne in the Snickers ad because I legitimately thought she was dead..That's not a "ha ha! Your career is over" joke. In fact, people were laughing at me because I didn't realize Rosanne was still among the living. I always dig the E*Trade baby ads, but I'm pretty sure they swapped out the kid from last year for a new model because he is 10 years old now. They grow up so fast.... This little guy will be 40 next week.

        Someday soon, I will do an entire Trox Talk post about why I can't stand the hardcore fans of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Comi-Con, cosplay, and the Force. When that day comes, you will look back at the Trox Talk Super Bowl Ad Awards, and call me two-faced, doubletalkin' jive-turkey. This ad was my favorite, bar none. It appeals to the masses, gives you a little bit of a warm fuzzy feeling, and it was hilarious. I felt so sorry for this poor little geek by the time his dad fired up the remote start that I actually shouted "YES!!"
        That about wraps up the TTSBAA's. Did I leave anything important out? I hope you guys enjoyed my thoughts. Stop back in a couple days if you're in the mood for some old school video game reminiscing. Also, I will do my first ever Trox Talk: Awful Movie Review at a reader's request. Always keep in mind that you are free to submit comments at the bottom of the post (my comments aren't filtered for approval, if you call me twat down there I won't do a thing to stop you) or follow me on twitter @TroxTalk. I have had a few people email me with topics they'd like to see discussed on Trox Talk. I love feedback! If you want to see something on here, there is no way for me to know if you don't speak up. Holler at yer boy!

                                                                  Warmest Regards,


  1. Glad you gave props to the NFL American Family commercial. Most people decided to completely overlook that one and instead talk about the Christina botched National Anthem incident and whether or not the half time show was any good (great production, awful audio mixing- I bet it was dope as shit to see live).

    Check out this video:


    It's the American Family commercial side by side with the actual original footage from each of the TV shows they were taken from. They did a great job of mixing simplicity with incredible nostalgia and created an emotional connection with the viewers. If you didn't recognize at least one scene from the clip, you've been living under a rock for thirty years.

    I still think that last years Google commercial is hands down my favorite Super Bowl commercial of all time, though:


    gets me every time

  2. The Google commercial was brilliant. It probably cost about $5 to make and everyone like it no matter how much of a hard ass they thought they were. My all time favorite spots were the Terrible Terry Tate Office Linebacker ads by Reebok. I will show those to my kids someday. "You kill da joe, you make some mo'! That ain't new, baby! WOO!"

  3. I think Im the only person alive who didnt care for the "best" commercial, I thought VWs other commercials were better. To show how much i follow "culture" I didnt even know that was Kim Kardashian, and now that i do, i still dont care, lol. Budweiser is severely slacking in the ad department these days. The house commercial I thought was a funny parody, and I did love, as any real American should, the throwback NFL commercial with all the old TV clips, classic. I only know who Justin Bieber is because I get to look at a poster of him every day at work, but thought it was funny how they had him dressed up in a beard at the end between Ozzy and Sharon saying he looks like a girl about himself. And despite the Lipton ad of M saying he didnt do commercials, I thought the Chrysler ad was the best one of the Bowl, its message hit hard and was catchy, and best of all for the industry I think it may have been the starting of Chrysler re-entering the auto discussion. All the visuals are tied directly to the monologue and vice versa. Oh, Reuben's are awesome and your a twat. Ha ha.

  4. I thought the "WTF" ad was about promoting the city of Detroit...and the car as secondary.

  5. E,

    Super Bowl ads cost an average of $100,000 per second and that particular ad was around 2 minutes long. In my opinion, Chrysler was trying to restore credibility to the Detroit auto industry in an effort to sell more cars. I love Cincinnati, but if I'm spending $12 million to run an a spot during the Super Bowl, I think my primary concern is seeing a return on my investment. Either that or they figured that, since most manufacturers are taking such heavy losses in our garbage economy, promoting the city as a whole will benefit the entire market in the long run. Thanks for reading.

  6. Definitely, and I didn't mean to come across as saying that this add alone would cause some sort of Detroit Renaissance. In all reality it was purely an emotional driven interest in my liking of Eminem that really made the commercial stand out to me, however, it was definitely good even without him. It was a serious ad in a maelstrom of light hearted silliness which I thought also helped it stand out. As far as the cash spent on the add, the just got 7.2 Billion from Washington in the bailout not that long ago and declared they wouldn't be paying back any of it, plus another Billion from the Canadians, plus another 1.5 Billion from a separate Treasury Department loan, so who cares....? Not Chrysler. Who needs to make a profit? Thats what the government is for!
