Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Henry Winkler's 2011 Cavalcade of Customs

           Nothing big here, gang. I just wanted to show you guys a few of the highlights from my weekend trip to the Cavalcade of Customs in Cincinnati at the Duke Energy Center. I'm not going to do the typical "check out this sweet Lambo, bro!" blog. (although there were definitely a few rides I wouldn't mind having for my daily commute.) Instead, I thought I'd show you some of my more interesting, yet less predictable, snapshots from down there.

          The show was veritable time capsule of automotive engineering dating back all the way to when cars were first put into mass production. Travel to each era was made simple with these bad boys.

 "Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads!"

          However, the crowd and happenings were far more peculiar than any time period from the classic Back to the Future films. There were a few crazies who could have easily been mistaken for Doc Brown, but there were even more who could have been confused with UFC fighters, trannys, Beverly Hill Billies, and the cast of Happy Days...Come to think of it, some of them actually WERE the cast of Happy Days. Someday I will look back on this afternoon as the day I saw, in the flesh, with my own two eyes, the man, the myth the legend..

I absolutely could not believe it was actually him! Right there in person! THE FONZ!! 

          Years from now I will reflect on this day and try to explain to my grandkids about the time when, by pure chance,  I (almost) met Coach Klein from The Waterboy, Principal Himbry from Wes Craven's Scream, and the voice of Meathook from Street Sharks. One thing is for certain, there is no way that those grandkids will possibly give a shit...

          Something else I saw on my time warp trip through the Cavalcade of Customs was a kick ass little bootlegging dragster from the prohibition era. Some of you degenerates will probably have a pretty tough time imagining a period in history where every weekend wasn't a total bender and, every now and then, people were sober and read books instead of reading crappy (but entertaining) blogs........

 Pretty sure I've been called a "whiskey warrior" a time or two. 

           Another blast from the past that made a lot of people uncomfortable was the blatant bigotry sprinkled throughout the show. Rebel flags, mullets, and lynchings were afoot...OK not lynchings, but this was pretty offensive.  Not just any "White Power"..."SUPER WHITE POWER".


The guys and gals circled around this rusty old truck with their pointy hats, hollerin', and torches seemed pretty laid back...
           As a Reds fan, a Pete Rose fan, and a baseball fan in general, I really appreciated this custom painted cherry red 2010 Chevy Camaro SS with Charlie Hustle airbrushed all over it. Notice how he has a handful of his junk. I don't know if he is signaling for someone to steal second or fighting off the crabs he got from one of the lovely ladies at the calender booth. All I really know is that I want this car for Christmas next year. Start saving.
             Speaking of guys who are pretty bad ass, there was one last hilarious site on my tour-de-weird at the Duke Center. There was no shortage of Smedium Affliction Tees, barbed wire ink, tribal this, or "likes-to-fight" that. One ginger man stood out in the crowds of roided out fauxhawks arguing with there girlfriends in attendance. He knows 67 ways to break your arm from it's socket but just one way to stand in line and still look tough..as he awaits with bated breath for his chance..his one shot in life...to meet.....SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!


He got a little fussy when he found out Sandy Cheeks wasn't there, but at least his tanning bed skin matched Patrick on stage for the photo-op. GET SOME!!

1 comment:

  1. This is pure poetic genius... "Speaking of guys who are pretty bad ass, there was one last hilarious site on my tour-de-weird at the Duke Center. There was no shortage of Smedium Affliction Tees, barbed wire ink, tribal this, or "likes-to-fight" that. One ginger man stood out in the crowds of roided out fauxhawks arguing with there girlfriends in attendance. He knows 67 ways to break your arm from it's socket but just one way to stand in line and still look tough..as he awaits with bated breath for his chance..his one shot in life...to meet.....SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!"
