Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In the beginning....

        Trox created the heavens and the earth...and he saw it was...wait...Wrong piece of holy literature. WELCOME TO MY BLOG! Don't worry it isn't about Jesus or anything. I'm not much for getting biblical or preachy. I just wanted to get your attention. Did you close the window yet? Good.
      If you're still here then you are probably already wondering "why?" And the answer to that is pretty simple. I am an average guy with an average life. I have average hopes and average ambitions. Before this starts to sound more like a campaign slogan than it already does, my point is that I'm like you. OK, maybe not JUST like you, but I am enough like you to know exactly what you want.
      Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish...I want to write on any and every topic that any of my readers deem noteworthy. Serious, funny, controversial, taboo, doesn't matter. I would like to share stories, life experiences, and advice with everyone. This is not an anti-blog or a blog about blogging, but while I'm on the subject I'd just like to say I hate the word "blog". It sounds like the noise my dogs make when they drink water too fast right after they eat and then they chuck it up all over the hardwood. So, if you notice me referring to this "endeavor" as something other than a "blog" for the first few rounds it's not because that isn't what this is, I just need some time to get comfortable with it before I put away the Swiffer Wet-Jet.
      "So, Trox, what is it all for???" Is a quoted query that I have not yet been asked by a single person, but will still gladly answer in the best way I know how... I have no idea. Not a clue. All I know is that, like a lot of people, I have 2,567,714 ideas swirling around my brain at any given moment and it would be nice to let anyone jump inside my head to chill for a few just so I know if any of them are worthwhile. I probably have undiagnosed adult A.D.D. Therapy is pretty expensive. My health insurance doesn't cover 'crazy'. Truth is, I work in a slow-moving retail environment where there is little stimulation and even less need for brain power. Over time I have felt my mind starting to become mush. This doodad is the spawn of my latent creativity and sheer unadulterated boredom.
      I've always been of the opinion that only a specific type of person writes or subscribes to one of these silly things. Most of the blogs I've ever read have either been crafted by an expert in a field of my interest (sports, movies, music, etc) or by a smug smarmy little snob of a pretentious prick who wants to let the entire internet universe know how much better, richer, smarter, healthier, or whateverier they are than everyone else who is being blessed with the honor and privilege of stumbling across their blog. (Don't get me wrong, some of those are actually pretty good too.) What I'm getting at is that most people who blog..(gross..there I said it) are pretty self-important, and they would have you believe they are expressing opinions that should matter to you, the things they discuss are important, and that their views on the subject are 'the facts'. I guess I'm no different. I hope you care.
     The readers of these blogs follow along for a number of reasons. Maybe they have a void that needs a fillin'. Or a new hobby that they are learning about. Or maybe they just have 20 minutes before lunch to kill in their cubicle at their boring-as-all-hell job, and if someone could just make them laugh, cry, or think for second it would break up the monotony of their otherwise repetitive and predictable little existence. Again, I'm no different, so if this thingamajig is for nothing else than to listen to myself think, I'd be cool with it, but what if it could be more.. Yeah..I like that.. it sounds pretty Disney.
      This is more of an introductory entry..(is that what they are called? Entries? I'm still a noob.) than a content entry. With this post (ahhh there it is! POST!!) I just wanted to get my feet wet a little and see if I even have a good time trying to be creative anymore. When you're little, being creative is awesome! You color pictures outside the lines and build bike ramps that don't necessarily work and then all the grown ups tell you what an amazing job you did and how you should be an artist or an architect... The reality is that when you grow up people expect results. Ducks aren't blue unless you are Billy Madison and the first time it rains you're gonna try to hit that ramp going a little too fast and trash your brand new California orange GT Performer (possible story for another post.) This doohickey is kind of a way for me to pull the handlebars out of my scrotum, brush away some of the mud from my Heat-X-Change color changing shirt, pick up a few of my bloody chiclets from the earth, and get back on the creative bicycle. They say you never forget how to do it.

       This will be a tremendous opportunity for anyone who ever said things to me like, "Trox you are soooo funny! You should be a comedian!" -Thanks Grandma or "I really like your writing style! You should give something to the world."-Thanks Mrs. Denny Grade:2 or "Trox, why the hell don't you just keep your big mouth shut?!" - Pretty much everyone besides those two sweet old ladies , to see what I'm really made of.
       So, in some ways, I suppose this whole deal is going to be something like the Bible after all..whatever the reason for your devotion, whether it's to feel enlightened, be entertained, find meaning, dissect it for contradiction, laugh with me, or laugh at me, I sincerely thank you for checking it out, and I hope you enjoy it.

                                                                           Warmest Regards,                                                                            Trox


1 comment:

  1. Still wondering "why" lol. Good Stuff Troxy.

