Friday, February 18, 2011

Trox Talk Movie Quotes (Reader Submitted)

       I've said from the beginning that Trox Talk is all about YOU! Without the reader this is just a bunch of my insanity circulating (or not circulating) aimlessly around these here interwebs...This week I asked you all to send me your favorite movie quote of all time. It could be something that made you soil yourself with laughter or cry your eyes out. I know it was almost impossible to choose just one, but I want to thank you all because this has been a freaking blast! The response was pretty overwhelming for a first effort! So much in fact, that I have officially decided to make it the first installment of a new weekly segment in which I pose a question or thought to you guys, and I'll post your responses to it at random every Friday around lunch time. What should we call this thing? I'm pretty sure "Project Mayhem" and "Question of the Week" are already taken...Once you've seen these great quotes offered up by some of your peers, you should help me give this new baby a name! You already know the email: I'll post the best name ideas and we'll put it to a vote. If the name "Trox's Mom is a Gutter Hippo" gets the most votes, then that is what the segment will be called. I will have absolutely NO say in it. This is YOUR TroxTalk! TAKE IT OVERRRR!!

Now on to the quotes...

Submitted by Steve S..Now THAT is how you kick off a good post.

Submitted by Brad J... Walken is God.

Submitted by Bill C.. I tried to capture the moment for you!

Submitted by Pat M...This picture is NOT actually from Die Hard, but it should be.
Submitted by Jesse A.. Jim Carrey ran away with this post.

Submitted by Dustin F (Trox's attorney).. Bond is more badass than suave at this point.
Submitted by Tim T... He was brilliant in this one.

Submitted by Tom M.. Mark Wahlberg recently said that out of EVERYONE in Hollywood, he'd never fight Joe Pesci.

Submitted by Laura C.. I noticed swearing got a lot of love from you guys.

Submitted by Steve M...I somehow haven't seen this one, but I want to now.

Submitted by Justin S... Haters be damned, this movie was awesome.

Submitted by Carl D...I liked all 3 of yours, but this one takes the cake!
Submitted by Dave S...Did you know that this is Trox's all time favorite move? You did? Stalker.
Submitted by Eugene Z.. Back when Eastwood could whoop Bruce Willis!
Submitted by Jason T... I was surprised that this was the only one from Big Lebowski, but it doesn't get much better.
Submitted by Julie R... The girls are representin'.
Submitted by Mike B... I received about 50 Jim Carreys. This one made it.
Submitted by Tien C.. This was the very first movie I remember seeing in a theater!
Submitted by Ayla B (Trox's ladyfriend) .. Now the two girliest movies on earth have officially made it on Trox Talk..
Submitted by Jake B...You would.
Submitted by Nic S.. A post about over-quoted movies is in the works thanks to you!
Submitted by Derrick H.. This is the ONLY quote I received multiple times. Weird.

Submitted by Dave T (Trox's brother from another mother..but not his actual brother)...I could basically post this whole movie on here..
Submitted by Robyn T... Kathryn Hahn, Kristen Wiig, and Jane Lynch are the funniest women alive.

Submitted by Sam G..Fear and Loathing also got a lot of love.
Submitted by Mike S...This one takes me back.
Submitted by Albert C... There isn't a movie with more great one-liners. "WHAT BIKE?!"
Submitted by Dave (Trox's little brother) I'll admit it. I watch Glee. She is why.

Submitted by Jay C...Is Mike Myers dead?
Submitted by John L.. "That John Denver's full of shit."

     We are going to revisit the realm of movie quotes again in the future because they are definitely the gift that keeps on giving. Initially, I asked you for your favorite movie quotes because I watched 3 of the crappiest pieces of film I've ever seen this past week. (I told you I was going to do a movie review on here soon, and that review will be for one of them, if not all of them.) I needed you all to get out the paddles and shock my belief in cinema back to life. Obviously because of you I am recovering nicely, so it looks like I owe you one. Thanks a million.

                                                                                                                     Warmest Regards,


P.S. Oh whoops! I almost forgot to give you guys my favorite! I get 2 because I think  I'm special..but they are by the same actor.



  1. Badass post. Basically saw every movie I ever liked on here (sans Notebook)

  2. Haha very nice .. Glad I could contribute

  3. wow. i have more movies to watch.
    - E.

  4. For the record, I remembered that "WHY DIDN'T YOU WRITE ME!?!??!?!?!?!!???!!!!!" Being way more epic and verging on hilarious. I watched the Notebook AGAIN the other day and I was like, "I coulda SWORN she screamed that..."

  5. The notebook has to be the saddest damn movie in all of human history, despite also being the most predictable movie of all time, still very moving and very good. Some good quotes in there. Fight club has infinite quotes in it, and honestly I was surprised to see someone else pick fear and loathing. "Look, over there, two women fucking a polar bear".
