Monday, March 7, 2011


     What up G's? I know I was supposed to get these up yesterday, but I was a little under the weather.. Here are the finalists for the Shower Beer Day Competition! Let us know what you think. The fate of someone's afternoon at Chili's could rest in your hands! I'll get on here and announce the winners once the votes are tallied! Thanks again to everyone who participated. These are pretty awesome...

Submitted by Jason...Points for having 2 people (rumored lesbian BONUS) AND a beer in there! Nice.

Submitted by Keith... I'm pretty sure I had that same Ducky at some point.
Submitted by Chad. You're an alcoholic. But seriously, while technically not in the shower, this was pretty awesome.
Submitted by Trevor... And to think I have been using that stupid thing for soap this whole time.
Submitted by Danielle...Classic bedro...errr....shower room eyes. That look just screams, "I want you, Chili's."
Submitted by Lauren.. This is a good one because it leaves a little up to the imagination. Also, the only one to use photoshop. I dig it. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm voting for the last one... Lauren I believe.
