Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones....

But Rihanna is a dirty-butt. 

        Let me explain. When was the last time you heard anything from former R&B sensation Chris Brown? A few years back you couldn't turn on the radio without hearing one of his hits like "Run it" and "Kiss, kiss". In fact, he was the first artist to have their debut single on top of the Billboard charts since Montell Jordan did it in 1995. Chris Brown was loved by the ladies, envied by the fellas, and was on a rocket ship to the top of the music industry until his run in with a gorgeous young pop vixen from Saint Michael, Barbados.

"You gotta get your grove on before you go get paid."

        Rihanna and Chris Brown dated for a while, and it apparently went sour. They had some problems (too young, too famous, happy meal toys, egos, etc.) which ultimately resulted in their split. Clearly the two weren't right for each other and Chris Brown took it pretty bad. He went off the deep end and allegedly began stalking her, threatening her, and in March of 2009 he was arrested for assault after Robyn Fenty...errr...Rihanna sustained visible injuries. The whole world turn on Brown, and while I'm not defending him (I thought he was kind of a d-bag long before he ever popped Rihanna in the kisser..allegedly) his fall from grace was epic, and most people had already written him off before the end of the first TMZ report. I'm not objective when it comes to domestic violence, so don't go telling people "I read on TroxTalk that Trox thinks hitting girls is funny." I tend to think a little outside the box, but there is no way I would ever try to justify a man putting his hands on a woman. My Gram raised me better than that. And Rihanna did appear to be in pretty bad shape. 

Gotta love the way TMZ watermarked this pic with their logo. "Nanny nanny boo boo! We saw her busted grill first.." Jackals.

       The paparazzi went crazy with this thing. Everyone, including myself, hated the shit out of Chris Brown for picking on a defenseless, helpless, little 5'8" 123lb angel with a beautiful singing voice. That's how we all knew her. Poor, poor Rihanna. What an awful man Chris Brown must be... Robyahnna even went on a media tour urging women to get out of abusive relationships before "it's too late." Then she appeared on 20/20 and did a tell-all interview with Diane Sawyer which, honestly, if you saw it there is no way you weren't at least a little touched. Basically, by this point, if you didn't hate Brown and want to be this young woman's Kevin Costner after seeing the way it all went down, you were a soulless, heartless, gutless freak of a demented human being...People, for the most part, continued to feel this way until a couple of months ago when this puzzling little number was released...

    Da Buck? I can't even imagine being a parent in today's society.."Chains and whips excite me...Daddy what does that mean??"...."Uhhh...It means get back to your Pokemons."  
      Is it possible for someone to watch that video, and listen to that song without thinking about slapping a hate crow on somebody? I used to think Rihanna was one of the most beautiful women on the planet, but now she just seems kinda gross to me. I know that domestic violence is not the same as getting overly kinky in the sack. I also know that what Chris Brown did was completely wrong and inexcusable by anyone's standards. I still can't help but wonder about the psychology involved in all of this. Does it rub you the wrong way too? I mean, in Rihabyn's interview with Sawyer she even said, "The more in love we became, the more dangerous we became for each other, equally as dangerous"... Did CB get tired of having a rubber ball rammed in his mouth every time he got laid? Maybe he just wanted to get some missionary going, but Ri kept sticking things in places where they didn't belong.. Is it naive to think that Chris thought he was just giving her what she 'wanted'? What if she was a psycho in bed, but he didn't want to tell anyone and end up the sissy who complained about getting to nail Rihanna because she was "too rough"? I guess it's possible that she developed these strange fetishes after her first love repeatedly beat the tar out of her. I'd say that could probably go a long way towards warping your sense of what true passion is...
Some say she gave him the herp. That was the last straw...
       I need reiterate..Don't go telling people that Trox is a misogynistic, wife beating, Satan-spawn. The truth is I don't really like anyone. Besides you. You're cool. Unless you are beating on your gf right now...Then you should stop...If you are really reading this and thinking that I'm taking up for ol' boy and his despicable behavior, then either I'm not the brilliant writer I thought I was, or your IOWA test for reading and comprehension came back false..probably the former. I will say that before this song came out I was 100% certain of who America should be pissed at in this situation, but as a deep thinking person I can't help but wonder how skewed the public's vision of this peculiar situation really is. I guess we'll never know for sure. Maybe I just wanted to see how I'd fare as a tabloid 'journalist'. Sometimes it's fun to be skeptical. 

                                                                Warmest Regards,

P.S. Or maybe he's just a nutbar. There is nothing quite like getting to the end of a post, and finding something like this in your last bit of research..  I guess I might owe Rihanna an apology... Nah, that song was awful.

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