Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Go Ahead and Switch the Style Up..."


 [hahy-ey-tuhs]  Show IPA
noun, plural -tus·es, -tus.
a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series,action, etc.
a missing part; gap or lacuna: Scholars attempted to accountfor the hiatus in the medieval manuscript.
any gap or opening.

       Hello? You there? Oh! SUP?! Welcome back, kids! At the beginning of 2011 I started this little blog because I am a self-important attention whore who shamelessly felt that I had important things to say and that the rest of should be graced with the pleasure of baring witness to all of my whit and charm..Then something happened. IT BLEW UP! The hits were like wildfire, each post got bigger and bigger, and before I knew it I had an amazing following of awesome people with brilliant submissions and opinions nearly every day! It was pretty surreal. I'm not trying to make TroxTalk seem like a bigger deal than it actually is, but I can say that right around the 45,000 hit mark, it started to feel a little too big for me.

Wanna start a blog?
       Just like anything else that you spend too much time on, or put too much pressure on yourself regarding it's success, this whole thing kinda started to suck. I didn't want that at all. For me TroxTalk was feeling less and less like a release, and more and more like something I "had" to do. Another expendable activity to add to my long list of daily chores. I've always said that I don't want to post anything on here simply for the sake of posting it. I don't have a boss, or quotas, or even personal goals for how good this thing can be, and I've always said I'd shut it down if it wasn't EXACTLY what I wanted.
       After taking some time off to step back and really think about TroxTalk, and what it represents, and how I want people to feel about it, I'm finding out where I went wrong with that previous philosophy. The truth is I got lazy. Plain and simple. Instead of changing the things about this site that I wanted to be different, I pussied out, and I've been kicking myself for it ever since. I love this thing. I love it, and I want it to be as good as I know it can be. So, I've decided to blow this thing up and start from scratch. I've cleared out the inbox, deleted all of my unfinished/never-gonna-finish old drafts, and I've decided that I am willing to do whatever is required to take this thing to greater heights.
        I'm not going to go through the entire laundry list of things that were preventing me from kicking as much ass as I could on the first go 'round, but I will give you a quick rundown of what I'm looking to improve. My personal Twitter and TroxTalk's twitter will now be two different things. It got pretty confusing when I was getting @'s from cousins wanting to catch up along with "#Kill yourself Trox because Oprah is a Saint" all at the same time. For future reference, if you want to follow this blog on the Twitter machine, you can do that strictly here...

       Also, Blogspot is a really great place for someone with little or no web design prowess to just start casting baited lines out into the world. Unfortunately, it doesn't help you much in the way of letting you know exactly who your audience is, or keeping track of your followers. The comments section is pretty bush too. I used to constantly get emails about what a pain in the ass it was for you guys to give TroxTalk your two cents, which was lame, because my main objective was to allow people the opportunity to agree or disagree with anything I would post. And what's with only letting people subscribe to TroxTalk if they sign up for some weirdo extra-tedious blogger account? Damn that. In an effort to condense the nonsense, I've created a Facebook Fan Page for you to check out here. That way you can follow when you want without typing in a wack username. Go ahead and talk some junk, or post anything you like without having to deal with any bullshit. Also, this change should mellow out all my friends who aren't necessarily loyal fans of my blog (losers) from beating the piss out of me for constantly spamming it all over creation. Sometimes, when you're stoked on something and you want everyone else to get behind it, you can get a little carried away. With this, you only get the updates if you want them, and I get to see who is actually along for the ride. My buddies at TheBestPodcast said it best, "Even your Grandma has a Facebook."
       Now that all that's out of the way..HOW THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? TroxTalk took a little "extended summer vacation" but we're back now, and here to stay! There are going to be some changes around here, but the appeal is still the same. If you liked the sports, nostalgia, music, and general craziness of the old TroxTalk, then I think you'll feel right at home. We just streamlined things a little bit in order to make my life, and yours a bit easier. You're welcome. Don't forget to "Like" the blog on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter @TroxTalk. And if you're old school, we can still be reached via email at trox@troxtalk.com. This is the rebirth of something that should have been great the first time. Wish me luck in raising this little bugger up right. If you didn't listen to a damn thing I just said, or you can't read, here's a video...

What ever happened to freeze tag? I'm pretty sure he's pinning a corpse at the end.

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