Monday, March 7, 2011



     After tallying reader votes and breaking this contest down in to it's simplest form, Jason walks away with this year's Shower Beer Championship and a gift card to Chili's which will be hand delivered to him this Saturday! It was a close race, and the general consensus was that Danielle and Lauren probably never get stuck with the tab when they go to Chili's as it is. (By the way ladies, if either of you are ever bored on a Friday night, has about 30 readers that we could set you up on a blind date are all animals...) These were the deciding factors in this competition...

1.) Jason's photo was the only one that contained two people in the shower, and they were both looking wet and wild!
2.) They actually appeared to have shampoo in their hair, but their eyes were wide open. That takes guts!
3.) Neither of lovely ladies actually owned this shower. Which means Jason had to go to the trouble of getting them over to his place and talking them in to it just for a little TroxTalk glory?! UNREAL!
4.) The bottom line is, there is not, and will not ever be a valid argument against lesbians in the shower.As much as troxtalk is not about objectifying women, or selling sex to get hits, this time the readers have spoken. They called out to the heavens in one united voice proclaiming.."We are all total pervy creepers!"

Here is Jason's post-victory interview....

TT: Jason, you have just won the first ever TroxTalk Shower Beer Challenge! You are now a part of history, and the world wants to know..How do you feel?

Jason: Oh, I feel amazing. the timing was everything i remembered that I needed to get my submission in and there just happened to be two lesbians in my shower.

TT: Who came up with the concept for this Shower Beer moment?

Jason: I mean the lesbians decided they were going to take a shower, and then I remembered I still needed to make my submission, so it just happened... it was like magic.  They had been partying the night before and they were like,"can I take a shower?" and I was like, yeah, and they were like "together?"and I was like, "yes, we encourage that."

TT: Who were the women pictured in your shower? Just some random lesbians you party with?

Jason: No, Actually they are Future Surgery Technicians, they go to school with my wife, Robyn.

TT: Walk us threw how you talked them into this? Did you have to sell them on the idea at all?

Jason: They were already taking a shower so I told robyn what I needed and they took it themselves with their camera in my shower.  So yeah, it was legit... in my shower.

TT: If you had to pick a photo besides yours, which one would you say gave you the best competition?

Jason:I think Danielle put up a good fight basically because she was drop dead sexy... and Keith did alright.  The duck in the beer mug was pretty funny... but he's not as hot as danielle

TT: Before I let you go, is there anyone you'd like to thank?

Jason: I'd like to thank my wife for having lesbian friends, and my family and of course, the lesbians.  AND (hell no I didn't put him up to that last one!)

      If you guys were curious, Lauren and Keith tied for second, and Trevor rounded out the top 3! Thanks again to all who participated. You were all super creative, and it seemed like everyone was working a different angle to come out on top. We had a lot of fun putting this thing together. I personally feel like every day should be Shower Beer Day! Start thinking of your ideas for next year. This was our first contest here at TroxTalk, and I learned a lot from it (keep in mind I'm still fairly new at this). I promise you all it won't be the last!

                                                               Warmest Regards,


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