Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Helps the medicine go down...

Sugar Bowl: Ohio State Buckeyes Vs. Arkansas Razorbacks

Part II: Second Half Reactions

    This was truly an EPIC bowl game for the ages. I feel like people might be talking about this one for a very long time. After showing flashes of  vintage Mike Vick (minus the Ron Mexico alias and defenseless animal genocide) in the first half, Terrelle Pryor and the Buckeye offense were virtually stagnant in the second half. Luckily, in the end, it really didn't seem to matter. Ohio State's defense was steadfast with few mistakes and the pass rush was pretty damn scary. Cameron Heyward is going to be an NFL stud someday. You can quote me on that.
    I got a slight case of that ever-present fan angst in the 3rd and 4th quarters..You know that feeling where you're thinking "I swear to God if they screw this up I'm bringing a gun to work tomorrow!" ? No? Just me? Anyway, my anger was subsided by a few nuances that popped up during the game.. I don't know if it was the OSU or Arkansas band that kept chiming in with the March of the Nerds from the Star Wars movies every single time the Hogs tried to drive the field, but it kept my spirits up. Maybe Mallett Skywalker should have used the force a bit to keep his Ewok-armed receivers from dropping balls. With :58 left in the 3rd I could have sworn someone was busting a Jedi mind trick on the commentator when he uttered the phrase "NFL perfect pass". One of the Ewoks, Jerius Wright reeled in a decent, at best, pass from Skywalker, and he acted like Joe Montana were still alive and with us today.... Also, those silly rubber pig hats were no less annoying than those pissed stained terrible towels that Steeler fans use as a rib bib by the time it was all said and done. I digress.

Side Question: Is this team called the Razorbacks because they have to shave their cheerleaders between quarters? WOOF!

   I learned a lot from watching the Sugar Bowl this year. For starters, I hadn't realized that forward progress was a rule that applied solely to SEC teams...Like it or not the officials were handing out 'old fashioneds' to anyone not sporting drug propaganda on their silver helmets.
   I'll give credit where it's due, that blocked kicked with a minute left was unreal!! I pooped a little, but once again the OSU defense stepped up HUGE and got the only turnover of the night against the Razorbacks when it mattered the most and snapped the 9 game Buckeye losing streak against SEC teams in bowl games! FINAL SCORE: Buckeyes-31...Arkansas- 26!! I know this second section of the night was a bit sloppy, but it's past my bed time and the editors have already left for the night. Later this week I'll give you my take on Marvin Lewis returning to the Bengals for another season, my pick for the National Championship, an NFL playoff preview, and a shitload more. My first day in this realm has been stellar! Thanks for stopping by... Stay classy San Diego.

                                                                                                                                                                     Warmest Regards,

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