Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Bowl full of Sugar...

Sugar Bowl: Ohio State Buckeyes Vs. Arkansas Razorbacks

Part I: Half Time Reactions

       Call me a half empty glass kinda guy, but I just didn't see OSU showing up and dominating an SEC opponent the way they have so far in this contest. There were two things prior to kickoff that I wanted to address. First was the focus being placed on the five Ohio State players who violated NCAA policy by selling their game worn gear and awarded accolades seemingly to feed their poor starving families and get some ink done.... If the performance based rings and tradition mean that little to a player, then that's a definite character issue, but in my opinion, they should be able to do whatever they want with any article or item that belongs to them...even if their choices are completely stupid and they'll undoubtedly regret them later in life. As far as head coach, Jim Tressel, asking the players in question for a "promise to play next year" even though they will all receive a five game suspension, they could tell him anything just to avoid not playing in the Sugar Bowl and if he doesn't have anything in writing then there isn't much he can do if they decide to enter the draft. Win or lose in the Sugar Bowl, these guys have already shown that they will probably go ahead and do whatever they want to. Let's face it without the star QB, RB, and WR, this would not be half the game it has been so far. Secondly, the pregame singing of the national anthem is not something I will generally be commenting on in my game recaps, but DARIUS RUCKER?! I haven't felt that good about my country since the Cracked Rear View album by Hootie and the Blowfish album debuted in 1994. For me, that was awesome!
       On to the game, most people know this is Arkansas' first big BCS bowl game appearance and the Buckeyes (along with the rest of the Big Ten) have been abysmal against the SEC in recent years, so to say there is a ton riding on this one is a tremendous understatement. As a Buckeye fan, this game means a great deal to me and so far I'm not disappointed. The first touchdown of the game was pure madness. Pryor was strolling up the sideline on 3rd and 9 carrying the ball like a 3rd grader with an Incredible Hulk lunch box and, to the surprise of no one, the ball was knocked loose. Then the arch angel Dane Sanzenbacher swooped in for the save scoring touchdown over a pile of Arkansas defenders. It got me thinking of how many times big Dane has turned a shitty play into an absolute six point spectacle during his OSU career. That guy is always heads-up.
      Following that play, I didn't care much for the topped squib kick by Basil on the ensuing kickoff. It won't really have much bearing on the game overall, but if it was a called play, it was a bad one. I thought DJ Williams had an amazing catch and nearly pulled off one of the greatest missed tackle plays since Jericho Cotchery's WTF play for the New York Jets a couple of seasons ago. Sorry, Razorback fans, he has fat wrists. TD overturned. Of course, on the very next play Joe Adams made up for losing one of the toughest catches of the season by scoring on one of the easiest.
     After Bam...oops...I mean Boom Herron (the commentator screwed that up about 4 times I think) walked in untouched for the Buckeyes second score of the first quarter most of us were smelling a shoot out. Speaking of smells, how many pot leaves are pasted on the side of these Buckeye helmets this year? I feel like the 4th and 1 stop followed by a 44 yard catch by the TE, Fragel were the turning point in the first half. Slap a weed decal on that dudes dome. I also loved the Vest Bump by J-Tressy after the next Buckeye score. I haven't seen a guy work a piece of Wrigley's Spearmint gum like that guy since Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting.  I love winning, and I love my Buckeyes, but my favorite part of the first half had to be this little vixen....
    Check out this Carol Brady-esque Razorback attention whore. Sit it down, Coug. Face time should be the least of your worries when your squad is taking a whoopin' like this. Welp, that's it for the first half. I'll get to round 2 before I crash tonight or first thing in the morning. I hope you guys are diggin' this blog so far because I'm having a blast. Catch you after the game! Go Buckeyes!!

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